Maybe you want to switch to a server your friends are on!
Opinions about how and what to test in your progressive web app.
Clean caches and graceful fallbacks via a custom Workbox plugin.
Some pros and cons to help you make an educated choice.
esrun to the rescue!
Cloudflare Workers + Workbox = isomorphic rendering
Bundlers: the source of, and solution to, all of JavaScript's problems.
The power of DevTools conditional breakpoints.
module-alias ftw
...let's do it live!
Access-Control-Expose-Headers is your friend.
They're there for a reason!
Show what you run when demoing JavaScript.
There are many alternatives, and something has to be the default.
Apparently, the whole point of this blog is to blog about blogging architecture.
A linkdump by any other name....
Goodbye gh-pages + Cloudflare, hello Firebase Hosting.
Full-page caching vs. App Shell vs. service worker rendering.
Terminology and an exploring the architecture.
What's it take to turn a create-react-app project into a Progressive Web App?
A step-by-step guide to hosting a blog on HTTPS-enabled custom domain.
But first, some administrivia.